Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let is SNOW Dec.20,2008

We got a little snow this week and allot of wind. We have seen some below zero temps with the wind chills. We need all the snow we can get.

We had Kylee and Alexis the other night and Marcus stopped in and made a really cool linking log house for them.

We are pretty much ready for Christmas. We had a nice dinner over at my work on Friday and then Melanie and I went out and got our visiting teaching done. I have been terrible at it this year. One new years resolution will be to do better on visiting teaching. Today we met Kim, Danny & the girls over at the Coop and the girls ,Danny and Kenny went on a horse drawn wagon ride and also got to see Santa. Kate & Brian took their kids over there this after noon. Kenny and I took a gift out to Doug & Vic today in Moore.
We visited for awhile then went out to Mackay reservoir and looked around and ate lunch in Mackay. We saw 4 deer and over 50 antelope.

It was a nice day and we had fun.

Kenny came home and went over to the coop and got the front end loader and brought it over here to dig the drifts out and also dug the neighbors mail boxes out. Heidi Christine's 20th birthday is the day after Christmas. It's hard to believe that 20 years ago I was telling myself I could not go in to labor because I had three other little girls counting on me to make a good Christmas. They were all very excited when we brought home a new little sister in a Christmas stocking a couple days later. I went an at 8:00 Christmas night and had Heidi at 8:10 the next morning.Better go now I have more laundry to get done.

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